BackForwardApplication: 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction

Name 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction
Description High-resolution (HR) Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) focuses on observing systems required by high-resolution NWP models producing forecasts of meteorological events with a 1-5 km horizontal resolution, 6 hours to a few days ahead. Such forecasts are more detailed than those available from global models, due to more realistic descriptions of atmospheric phenomena such as clouds and precipitation. The added detail is made possible by a finer computational grid on a specific area, more detailed specification of terrain, more sophisticated prescription of physical processes mainly based on explicit rather than parameterised formulations, and, importantly, denser and more frequent observations (with respect to global NWP) to specify appropriately detailed initial conditions.
Organization World Meteorological Organization
Magnus Lindskog
Earth System Application Category 2. Atmospheric Applications

Requirements defined for 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction  (58)

This tables shows all related requirements. For more operations/filtering, please consult the full list of Requirements
Note: In reading the values, goal is marked blue, breakthrough green, threshold orange
Application-dependent Technical Priority (ATP) Magenta and Relative priority of the attributes Red

Id Variable Layer App Area ATP Uncertainty Layer/s Quality Coverage Quality Stability / decade Hor Res Ver Res Obs Cyc Timeliness Coverage Conf Level Val Date Source General Comment Application Area Comment Horizontal Coverage Comment Observation Comment Performance Comment
334 Accumulated precipitation Near Surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 0.5 mm
2 mm
5 mm
0.5 km
2 km
10 km
30 min
2 h
6 h
6 h
9 h
24 h
Global firm 2011-08-04 T Montmerle
335 Air pressure (near surface) Near Surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 0.5 hPa
0.6 hPa
1 hPa
2 km
10 km
40 km
30 min
60 min
3 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global firm 2010-02-01 T Montmerle The increase of horizontal resolutions is justified by the fact that forecast errors of surface pressure in HR NWP models have larger horizontal correlations than the other classical variables.
338 Air temperature (near surface) Near Surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 0.5 K
0.8 K
2 K
1 km
5 km
20 km
10 min
30 min
2 h
10 min
30 min
2 h
Global firm 2010-02-01 JF Mahfouf
339 Atmospheric temperature FT 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 0.5 K
1 K
3 K
1 km
5 km
25 km
0.3 km
0.45 km
1 km
15 min
60 min
6 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global firm 2014-03-12 T Montmerle
340 Atmospheric temperature UTLS 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 0.5 K
1 K
3 K
10 km
25 km
100 km
1 km
1.5 km
3 km
15 min
60 min
6 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global firm 2011-08-04 T Montmerle
341 Atmospheric temperature PBL 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 0.5 K
1 K
3 K
0.5 km
2 km
10 km
0.1 km
0.25 km
1 km
15 min
60 min
3 h
10 min
30 min
2 h
Global firm 2019-12-04 T Montmerle
345 Cloud ice FT 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 5 %
8 %
20 %
0.5 km
2 km
10 km
0.1 km
0.17 km
0.5 km
15 min
60 min
3 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global firm 2014-03-12 T Montmerle
346 Cloud ice PBL 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 5 %
8 %
20 %
0.5 km
2 km
10 km
0.1 km
0.17 km
0.5 km
15 min
60 min
3 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global firm 2011-07-28 T Montmerle
348 Cloud liquid water (CLW) FT 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 5 %
8 %
20 %
0.5 km
2 km
10 km
0.1 km
0.17 km
0.5 km
15 min
60 min
3 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global firm 2014-03-12 T Montmerle
349 Cloud liquid water (CLW) PBL 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 5 %
8 %
20 %
0.5 km
2 km
10 km
0.1 km
0.17 km
0.5 km
15 min
60 min
3 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global firm 2011-07-28 T Montmerle
354 Cloud top height n/a (2D) 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 0.2 km
0.5 km
1 km
0.5 km
2 km
10 km
15 min
30 min
3 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global firm 2011-08-04 T Montmerle
356 Dominant wave direction Sea surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 10 deg.
15 deg.
30 deg.
5 km
10 km
40 km
30 min
3 h
6 h
6 min
30 min
3 h
Global ocean firm 2011-08-04 T Montmerle
357 Dominant wave period Sea surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 0.25 s
0.5 s
1 s
5 km
10 km
40 km
30 min
3 h
6 h
6 min
30 min
3 h
Global ocean firm 2011-08-04 T Montmerle
370 Sea surface temperature Sea surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 0.3 K
0.5 K
1 K
1 km
5 km
20 km
60 min
2 h
6 h
30 min
60 min
6 h
Global ocean firm 2011-08-04 JF Mahfouf
374 Significant wave height Sea surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 0.1 m
0.3 m
0.5 m
5 km
10 km
40 km
30 min
3 h
6 h
10 min
30 min
3 h
Global ocean firm 2011-07-29 T Montmerle
378 Specific humidity FT 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 2 g kg-1
5 g kg-1
10 g kg-1
2 km
10 km
30 km
0.3 km
0.4 km
1 km
15 min
60 min
6 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global firm 2011-07-29 T Montmerle
379 Specific humidity PBL 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 2 g kg-1
5 g kg-1
10 g kg-1
0.5 km
5 km
20 km
0.1 km
0.2 km
1 km
15 min
60 min
6 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global firm 2011-07-29 T Montmerle
380 Integrated Water Vapour (IWV) TC 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 1 kg.m-2
2 kg.m-2
5 kg.m-2
0.5 km
5 km
20 km
15 min
60 min
6 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global firm 2010-02-01 T Montmerle
381 Upward short-wave irradiance at TOA TOA 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 5 W/m2
10 W/m2
20 W/m2
2 km
10 km
50 km
30 min
60 min
6 h
60 min
3 h
12 h
Global firm 2011-08-04 T Montmerle
382 Upward long-wave irradiance at TOA TOA 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 5 W/m2
10 W/m2
20 W/m2
2 km
10 km
50 km
30 min
60 min
6 h
60 min
3 h
12 h
Global firm 2011-08-04 T Montmerle
383 Wind (horizontal) FT 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 1 m.s-1
3 m.s-1
8 m.s-1
2 km
10 km
20 km
0.5 km
0.7 km
1 km
15 min
60 min
12 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global firm 2011-08-04 T Montmerle
384 Wind (horizontal) UTLS 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 1 m.s-1
3 m.s-1
5 m.s-1
10 km
25 km
100 km
1 km
2 km
5 km
30 min
60 min
12 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global firm 2011-08-04 T Montmerle
385 Wind (horizontal) PBL 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 1 m.s-1
2 m.s-1
5 m.s-1
0.5 km
2 km
10 km
0.1 km
0.2 km
0.4 km
15 min
60 min
12 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global firm 2014-03-12 T Montmerle
389 Wind speed (near surface) Near Surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 0.5 m/s
1 m/s
3 m/s
0.5 km
5 km
20 km
30 min
60 min
3 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global land firm 2011-08-04 T Montmerle
390 Wind speed (near surface) Near Surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 0.5 m/s
1 m/s
3 m/s
0.5 km
5 km
20 km
30 min
3 h
12 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global ocean firm 2011-08-04 T Montmerle
391 Wind vector (near surface) Near Surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 0.5 m/s
1.077 m/s
5 m/s
2 km
10 km
40 km
30 min
60 min
3 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global land firm 2011-02-01 T Montmerle
392 Wind vector (near surface) Near Surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 0.5 m/s
1.077 m/s
5 m/s
2 km
10 km
40 km
30 min
3 h
12 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global ocean firm 2011-02-01 T Montmerle
855 Cloud to Ground lightning density Near Surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 1 Dimensionless
3 Dimensionless
15 Dimensionless
1 %/decade
3 %/decade
15 %/decade
1 km
3 km
15 km
30 sec
5 min
15 min
30 sec
5 min
15 min
Global firm 2020-12-19 T Montmerle Originally from P. Ambrosetti
856 Total lightning stroke density TrC 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 1 Dimensionless
3 Dimensionless
15 Dimensionless
1 %
3 %
10 %
1 km
3 km
15 km
30 sec
5 min
15 min
30 sec
5 min
30 min
Global firm 2019-12-04 T Montmerle Originally from P. Ambrosetti
337 Air specific humidity (near surface) Near Surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 2 g kg-1
5 g kg-1
10 g kg-1
1 km
5 km
20 km
10 min
30 min
2 h
10 min
30 min
2 h
Global reasonable 2019-12-04 JF Mahfouf
342 Cloud base height n/a (2D) 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 0.1 km
0.25 km
0.5 km
0.5 km
2 km
10 km
15 min
60 min
3 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global reasonable 2014-03-12 T Montmerle
344 Cloud drop effective radius Cloud-top 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 1 μm
2 μm
5 μm
0.5 km
2 km
10 km
15 min
60 min
3 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global reasonable 2011-08-04 T Montmerle
358 Earth surface albedo Near Surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 5 %
10 %
20 %
0.5 km
4 km
10 km
60 min
3 h
12 h
60 min
3 h
12 h
Global land reasonable 2019-12-04 T Montmerle
359 Fraction of Absorbed PAR (FAPAR) Land surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 5 %
10 %
20 %
1 km
5 km
20 km
12 h
24 h
2 d
24 h
3 d
7 d
Global land reasonable 2011-07-29 JF Mahfouf
360 Land surface temperature Land surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 0.5 K
1 K
3 K
1 km
5 km
20 km
15 min
30 min
2 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global land reasonable 2019-12-04 JF Mahfouf
362 Long-wave Earth surface emissivity Land surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 0.5 %
1 %
3 %
1 km
5 km
20 km
60 min
3 h
12 h
60 min
3 h
12 h
Global land reasonable 2011-08-04 T Montmerle
363 Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Land surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 5 %
10 %
20 %
1 km
5 km
40 km
12 h
24 h
2 d
24 h
3 d
7 d
Global land reasonable 2011-07-29 JF Mahfouf
364 O3 FT 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 5 Dimentionless (mol/mol)
10 Dimentionless (mol/mol)
20 Dimentionless (mol/mol)
5 km
20 km
100 km
1 km
1.4 km
3 km
15 min
60 min
6 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global reasonable 2011-07-29 T Montmerle
365 O3 UTLS 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 5 Dimentionless (mol/mol)
10 Dimentionless (mol/mol)
20 Dimentionless (mol/mol)
5 km
20 km
100 km
1 km
1.4 km
3 km
15 min
60 min
6 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global reasonable 2011-07-29 T Montmerle
366 O3 PBL 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 5 Dimentionless (mol/mol)
10 Dimentionless (mol/mol)
20 Dimentionless (mol/mol)
5 km
20 km
100 km
1 km
1.4 km
3 km
15 min
60 min
6 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global reasonable 2011-07-29 T Montmerle
367 O3 Total Column TC 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 5 %
10 %
20 %
2 km
10 km
40 km
30 min
2 h
6 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global reasonable 2011-07-29 T Montmerle
368 Precipitation intensity at surface (liquid or solid) Near Surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 0.1 mm/h
0.2 mm/h
1 mm/h
0.5 km
2 km
10 km
15 min
30 min
2 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global reasonable 2019-12-04 T Montmerle
371 Sea-ice cover Sea surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 5 %
10 %
20 %
5 km
10 km
40 km
60 min
3 h
12 h
60 min
2 h
6 h
Global ocean reasonable 2011-07-29 JF Mahfouf
375 Snow cover Land surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 5 %
15 %
20 %
1 km
5 km
20 km
60 min
3 h
12 h
60 min
3 h
12 h
Global land reasonable 2010-02-01 JF Mahfouf
377 Soil moisture at surface Land surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 0.02 m3 /m3
0.04 m3 /m3
0.08 m3 /m3
1 km
5 km
40 km
60 min
3 h
6 h
30 min
60 min
6 h
Global land reasonable 2011-07-29 JF Mahfouf
343 Cloud cover TrC 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 5 %
8 %
20 %
0.5 km
2 km
10 km
15 min
30 min
3 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global tentative 2010-02-01 T Montmerle
355 Cloud type n/a (2D) 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 0.5 km
2 km
10 km
15 min
30 min
3 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global tentative 2010-02-01 T Montmerle
361 Leaf Area Index (LAI) Land surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 5 %
10 %
20 %
1 km
5 km
40 km
12 h
24 h
2 d
24 h
3 d
7 d
Global land tentative 2011-07-29 JF Mahfouf
369 Precipitation intensity at surface (solid) Near Surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 0.1 mm/h
0.2 mm/h
1 mm/h
0.5 km
2 km
10 km
15 min
30 min
2 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global tentative 2019-12-04 T Montmerle
372 Sea-ice surface temperature Sea surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 0.5 K
1 K
4 K
5 km
10 km
40 km
60 min
3 h
12 h
60 min
3 h
12 h
Global ocean tentative 2011-07-29 JF Mahfouf
376 Snow water equivalent Land surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 5 mm
8 mm
20 mm
0.5 km
2 km
20 km
60 min
3 h
6 h
60 min
3 h
24 h
Global land tentative 2010-02-01 JF Mahfouf
388 Wind (vertical) PBL 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 1 cm.s-1
2 cm.s-1
5 cm.s-1
0.5 km
2 km
10 km
0.1 km
0.25 km
0.5 km
15 min
60 min
12 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global tentative 2011-07-29 T Montmerle
683 Precipitation type at the surface Near Surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 0.25 km
1.5 km
5 km
15 min
60 min
3 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global tentative 2011-07-29 T Montmerle - Accuracy difficult to quantify - Resolutions in km - should be a 3D variable, considering that precipitation types can be determined by polarimetric radars
347 Cloud ice Total Column TC 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 10 g.m-2
13 g.m-2
20 g.m-2
0.5 km
2 km
10 km
15 min
60 min
3 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global speculative 2010-02-01 T Montmerle
350 Cloud liquid water (CLW) total column TC 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 10 g.m-2
20 g.m-2
50 g.m-2
0.5 km
2 km
10 km
15 min
60 min
3 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global speculative 2010-02-01 T Montmerle
373 Sea-ice thickness Sea surface 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 20 cm
50 cm
100 cm
2 km
10 km
40 km
12 h
24 h
2 d
12 h
24 h
3 d
Global ocean speculative 2011-07-29 T Montmerle
386 Wind (vertical) FT 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 1 cm.s-1
2 cm.s-1
5 cm.s-1
5 km
10 km
20 km
0.5 km
0.65 km
1 km
15 min
60 min
12 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global speculative 2011-07-29 T Montmerle
387 Wind (vertical) UTLS 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction 1 cm.s-1
2 cm.s-1
5 cm.s-1
10 km
25 km
100 km
2 km
3 km
5 km
30 min
60 min
12 h
15 min
30 min
2 h
Global speculative 2011-07-29 T Montmerle