BackForwardInstrument:  MTVZA-GY 

Instrument details
Acronym MTVZA-GY
Full name Imaging/Sounding Microwave Radiometer - improved
Purpose Multi-purpose imager with temperature/humidity sounding channels for improved precipitation
Short description

21-frequency / 29-channels, including bands 54 and 183 GHz [see detailed characteristics below]


Evolution of MTVZA flown on Meteor-3M

Scanning Technique

Conical: 53.3° viewing angle, swath 1500 km – Scan rate: 24.9 scan/min = 15.8 km/scan

Resolution From 12 km at 183 GHz to 130 km at 10.6 GHz; consistent with an antenna diameter of 65 cm
Coverage / Cycle Near-global coverage twice/day
Mass 90 kg Power 80 W Data Rate 35 kbps


Providing Agency Roscosmos
Instrument Maturity Flown on operational programme
Utilization Period: 2010 to 2031
Last update: 2024-02-26
Detailed characteristics
No. Central frequency (GHz) Bandwidth (MHz) Polarisations NEΔT IFOV Pixel
1 10.6 100 V, H 0.5 K 89 x 198 km 32 x 32 km
2 18.7 200 V, H 0.4 K 52 x 116 km 32 x 32 km
3 23.8 400 V, H 0.3 K 42 x 94 km 32 x 32 km
4 31.5 400 V, H 0.3 K 35 x 76 km 32 x 32 km
5 36.7 400 V, H 0.3 K 30 x 67 km 32 x 32 km
6 42.0 400 V, H 0.4 K 26 x 60 km 32 x 32 km
7 48.0 400 V, H 0.4 K 24 x 43 km 32 x 32 km
8 52.80 400 V 0.4 K 21 x 48 km 48 x 48 km
9 53.30 400 V 0.4 K 21 x 48 km 48 x 48 km
10 53.80 400 V 0.4 K 21 x 48 km 48 x 48 km
11 54.64 400 V 0.4 K 21 x 48 km 48 x 48 km
12 55.63 400 V 0.4 K 21 x 48 km 48 x 48 km
13 57.290344±0.3222±0.1 50 H 0.4 K 21 x 48 km 48 x 48 km
14 57.290344±0.3222±0.05 20 H 0.7 K 21 x 48 km 48 x 48 km
15 57.290344±0.3222±0.025 10 H 0.9 K 21 x 48 km 48 x 48 km
16 57.290344±0.3222±0.01 5 H 1.3 K 21 x 48 km 48 x 48 km
17 57.290344±0.3222±0.005 3 H 1.7 K 21 x 48 km 48 x 48 km
18 91.655 2500 V, H 0.6 K 14 x 30 km 16 x 16 km
19 183.31 ± 7.0 1500 V 0.5 K 9 x 21 km 32 x 32 km
20 183.31 ± 3.0 1000 V 0.6 K 9 x 21 km 32 x 32 km
21 183.31 ± 1.0 500 V 0.8 K 9 x 21 km 32 x 32 km
Satellites this instrument is flying on

Note: a red tag indicates satellites no longer operational, a green tag indicates operational satellites, a blue tag indicates future satellites

Instrument classification
  • Earth observation instrument
  • Passive microwave radiometer
  • Conical scanning microwave radiometer
WIGOS Subcomponents
  • Subcomponent 1
  • MW imagery [in SSO]
  • MW imager [in SSO]
Mission objectives
Primary mission objectives
  • Precipitation intensity at surface (liquid or solid)
  • Sea-ice cover
  • Wind speed (near surface)
Evaluation of Measurements

The following list indicates which measurements can typically be retrieved from this category of instrument. To see a full Gap Analysis by Variable, click on the respective variable.

Note: table can be sorted by clicking on the column headers
Note: * Primary mission objective.
VariableRelevance for measuring this variableOperational limitationsExplanation
Accumulated precipitation3 - highPoor time sampling.. Time sampling to be interpolated by GEO.MW channels around 10, 19, 23, 37 and 90 GHz and in 54 and 183 GHz bands
Atmospheric temperature2 - very highCoarse vertical resolution.Many MW channels in the 54 GHz band. Nearly all-weather sounding
Cloud drop effective radius5 - marginalHighly indirect.MW channels around 37 and 90 GHz, and in bands 54 and 183 GHz
Cloud ice3 - highNo specific limitation.MW channels around 37 and 90 GHz, and in bands 54 and 183 GHz
Cloud ice Total Column3 - highNo specific limitation.MW channels around 37 and 90 GHz, and in bands 54 and 183 GHz
Cloud ice effective radius2 - very highNo specific limitation.MW channels around 37 and 90 GHz, and in bands 54 and 183 GHz
Cloud liquid water (CLW)2 - very highNo specific limitation.MW channels around 37 and 90 GHz, and in bands 54 and 183 GHz
Cloud liquid water (CLW) total column2 - very highNo specific limitation.MW channels around 37 and 90 GHz, and in bands 54 and 183 GHz
Downward long-wave irradiance at Earth surface5 - marginalHighly indirect.MW channels in bands 54 and 183 GHz to account for downward cloud radiation
Freezing level height in clouds3 - highNo specific limitation.MW channels in the 54 GHz band. Inference from the temperature profile
Land surface temperature5 - marginalCoarse spatial resolution.MW channels around 10 GHz
Long-wave Earth surface emissivity4 - fairLong time series needed.MW channels around 10, 19, 37 and 90 GHz. Emissivity across this MW range inferred by statistical analysis
Melting layer depth in clouds3 - highNo specific limitation.MW channels in the 54 GHz band. Inference from the temperature profile
Precipitation intensity at surface (liquid or solid)*3 - highNo specific limitation.MW channels around 10, 19, 23, 37 and 90 GHz, and in bands 54 and 183 GHz (for atmospheric structure). To cover sea and land, heavy and light precipitation
Sea surface temperature5 - marginalWarm temperature only.MW channels around 10 GHz
Sea-ice cover*3 - highNo specific limitation.MW channels around 10, 19, 37 and 90 GHz
Sea-ice type4 - fairNo specific limitation.MW channels around 10, 19, 37 and 90 GHz. Type interpreted as age/roughness
Snow cover3 - highCoarse spatial resolution.MW channels around 19, 37 and 90 GHz. Higher frequencies less sensitive to emissivity from ground under snow
Snow status (wet/dry)2 - very highCoarse spatial resolution.MW channels around 19, 37 and 90 GHz. Higher frequencies less sensitive to emissivity from ground under snow
Snow water equivalent2 - very highCoarse spatial resolution.. Ground stations network needed.MW channels around 19, 37 and 90 GHz. Higher frequencies less sensitive to emissivity from ground under snow
Soil moisture at surface3 - highCoarse spatial resolution.. Strongly affected by vegetation.MW channels around 10 GHz
Specific humidity2 - very highCoarse vertical resolution.MW channels in the 183 GHz band, and 54 GHz for temperature and liquid water corrections
Integrated Water Vapour (IWV)1 - primaryNo specific limitation.MW channel(s) in the water vapour bands around 23 and 183 GHz
Upward long-wave irradiance at Earth surface5 - marginalHighly indirect.MW channels is the 54 and 183 GHz bands to infer the impact of clouds on the upward LW radiation
Wind speed (near surface)*3 - highOver sea only.MW channels around 10, 19 and 37 GHz