Satellite frequencies for Earth Observation, data transfer and platform communications and control
This table shows all frequencies used for transmitting data to and from earth observation
satellites or for microwave active or passive remote-sensing.
Sorting is possible by clicking on the column headers.
The filter on the right allows to display only specific satellites/frequencies.
Filter instructions

Filter can be used to display frequencies by certain criteria.
The export functionality takes the current filter into account.
- Filter by Satellite Frequency
Select the minimum and maximum of the frequency range you want to examine using the slider - Filter by Direction
You can display only frequencies used for Eart to Space communication (E-S), vice versa or Space-to-Space communication frequencies (S-S). As default, all frequencies are shown. - Filter by year of operation
You can either select to display all satellites which are in orbit at this time, or select a time range of earliest launch and latest (expected) end-of-life, respectively.
Use the handlebars to drag the slider into the desired position, or the arrows to move the time period around. - Filter by agency
This filter allows you to specify the lead agency of the satellite programme.
The export functionality takes the current filter into account.
Frequencies for satellite management
» Filter table
ID | Satellite | Space Agency | Launch | EOL | Service | Direction | Frequency (MHz) | Emission designator | Bandwidth (kHz) | Polarisation | D/A | Data rate (kbps) or Baseband (kHz) | Comments |
Earth observation MW frequencies
» Filter table
ID | Satellite | Space Agency | Launch | EOL | Service | Sensing mode | Frequency (GHz) | Bandwidth (MHz) | Polarisation | Comments |
Frequencies for scientific data acquisition and communication services at ground stations
» Filter table
ID | Satellite | Space Agency | Launch | EOL | Service | Direction | Frequency (MHz) | Bandwidth (kHz) | Polarisation | D/A | Data rate (kbps) or Baseband (kHz) | Comments |
↵Mass operations:
selected frequencies
To which satellites do you want to copy these frequencies?