Flown in different configurations: one unit used either for cross-nadir or bi-axial scanning on TRMM (instrument early failure), and on JPSS-1; two units for simultaneous cross-nadir and bi-axial scanning on EOS-Terra, EOS-Aqua and Suomi-NPP
Two modes: 1) cross-track: 80 steps of 20 km s.s.p., swath 3000 km, along-track: one 20-km line every 3 s; or 2) bi-axial scanning by rotating azimuth while cross-nadir scanning.
8 - 12 µm
Note: a red tag indicates satellites no longer operational, a green tag indicates operational satellites, a blue tag indicates future satellites
The following list indicates which measurements can typically be retrieved from this category of instrument. To see a full Gap Analysis by Variable, click on the respective variable.