BackForward Satellite Programme: Eumetsat Polar System Sterna 

Programme details
Programme description
  • The EPS-Sterna mission is a constellation of 18 (+2 spares) micro-satellites, based on the prototype Arctic Weather Satellite AWS-PFM which is developed by ESA and is planned to be launched in 2024.
  • The name Sterna is linked to the Arctic Tern 
  • European programme: ESA responsible for the development of the space segment, EUMETSAT responsible for mission requirements definition, development of the ground segment and full system operation.
  • The design life time of each satellite is 5 years.
  • The satellites will be in polar orbits at various local crossing times.
  • In only five hours or less, the microwave sounders on these satellites will make observations covering 90% of the globe.
  • More details on AWS-PFM here  and EPS-Sterna here.
Data circulation
  • Direct Data Broadcast downlink transmits realtime measurements for nowcasting
  • Data also disseminated to end users using EUMETSAT's EUMETCAST system with some delay.
Programme lifetime 2029 - 2042
Associated satellites and instruments

Note: red tag => no longer operational , green tag => operational , blue tag => planned