Accumulated precipitation | 4 - fair | Convective precipitation dominant.. Calibration by MW needed. | TIR channel(s) in the 10-13 micrometers range. Frequent sampling (GEO) is essential for accumulated precipitation. |
Biomass | 5 - marginal | Cloud sensitive.. Index only.. Daylight only. | VIS and NIR channels. Biomass inferred from NDVI |
Cloud cover* | 2 - very high | No specific limitation. | VIS, NIR, MWIR and TIR channels |
Cloud drop effective radius | 3 - high | At cloud top.. Daylight only. | VIS, NIR and MWIR channels (for differentiation) |
Cloud ice effective radius | 3 - high | At cloud top.. Daylight only. | VIS, NIR and MWIR channels (for differentiation) |
Cloud optical depth* | 4 - fair | Low-density cloud only.. Daylight only. | VIS and NIR channels |
Cloud top height* | 3 - high | No specific limitation. | TIR channels in window and water vapour band (for emissivity) to estimate cloud top height from its temperature |
Cloud top temperature* | 2 - very high | No specific limitation. | TIR channels in window and water vapour band (for emissivity) |
Cloud type* | 2 - very high | No specific limitation. | VIS, NIR, MWIR and TIR channels |
Downward short-wave irradiance at Earth surface | 5 - marginal | Cloud sensitive.. Highly indirect. | VIS and NIR channels |
Downward long-wave irradiance at Earth surface | 4 - fair | Cloud sensitive.. Highly indirect. | MWIR and TIR channels including the water vapour band |
Earth surface short-wave bidirectional reflectance | 4 - fair | Cloud sensitive. | VIS and NIR channels with changing solar incidence angles as daylight progresses |
Fire fractional cover | 4 - fair | Cloud sensitive.. Coarse spatial resolution. | VIS, MWIR and TIR channels. Frequent sampling (GEO) enables early detection |
Fire radiative power | 2 - very high | Cloud sensitive.. Coarse spatial resolution. | MWIR and TIR channels. Frequent sampling (GEO) enables early detection |
Fire temperature | 2 - very high | Cloud sensitive.. Coarse spatial resolution. | MWIR and TIR channels. Frequent sampling (GEO) enables early detection |
Land surface temperature | 3 - high | Cloud sensitive. | MWIR and TIR window channels (high sensitivity to high temperature, cloud impact reduction, water vapour correction) |
Leaf Area Index (LAI) | 4 - fair | Cloud sensitive.. Daylight only. | VIS and NIR channels. LAI inferred from NDVI |
Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) | 3 - high | Cloud sensitive. | VIS and NIR channels |
O3 Total Column | 5 - marginal | Cloud sensitive. | TIR channel(s). Ozone lines in band around 9.7 micrometers. Frequent sampling (GEO) enables monitoring diurnal variations |
Precipitation intensity at surface (liquid or solid) | 3 - high | Convective precipitation dominant.. Calibration by MW needed. | TIR channel(s) in the 11 micrometers window. Frequent sampling (GEO) consistent with precipitation temporal variability |
Sea surface temperature | 2 - very high | Cloud sensitive. | MWIR and TIR window channels around 3.7 and 11 micrometers (cloud impact reduction, water vapour correction) |
Short-wave cloud reflectance | 5 - marginal | No specific limitation. | VIS and NIR channels |
Snow cover | 4 - fair | Cloud sensitive.. Daylight only. | VIS and NIR channels. Frequent sampling (GEO) improves probability of cloud-free views |
Soil moisture at surface | 4 - fair | Cloud sensitive.. Index only. | VIS, NIR, MWIR and TIR channels. Soil moisture inferred from differential brightness and thermal inertia, that are accurately measured by frequent sampling (GEO) |
Specific humidity | 3 - high | Cloud sensitive.. Coarse vertical resolution.. Middle troposphere only. | TIR channels in the water vapour band around 6.3 micrometers |
Integrated Water Vapour (IWV)* | 2 - very high | Cloud sensitive. | TIR channels around 6.3 micrometers and in the 11 micrometers split window |
Upward short-wave irradiance at TOA | 5 - marginal | Spectral interpolation needed. | VIS and NIR channels with changing solar incidence angles as daylight progresses |
Upward long-wave irradiance at TOA | 5 - marginal | Spectral interpolation needed. | MWIR and TIR channels in windows around 3.7 and 11 micrometers, and in the water vapour band around 6.3 micrometers |
Upward long-wave irradiance at Earth surface | 4 - fair | Cloud sensitive.. Highly indirect. | MWIR and TIR channels in windows around 3.7 and 11 micrometers, and in the water vapour band around 6.3 micrometers |
Aerosol volcanic ash | 5 - marginal | Cloud sensitive.. Daylight only. | VIS and NIR channels |
Aerosol volcanic ash Total Column | 1 - primary | Cloud sensitive. | TIR channel(s). Frequent sampling (GEO) enables early detection of ash plumes |
Wind (horizontal)* | 3 - high | Cloud or water vapour tracers needed. | VIS channel(s) and TIR channels around 6.3 and 11 micrometers. Frequent sampling (GEO) enables inference from cloud or water vapour pathces motion |