BackForward Satellite: KOMPSAT-6 

Satellite details
Acronym KOMPSAT-6
Full name Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite - 6
WIGOS Station Identifier ---
Satellite Description
  • 6th flight unit of the KOMPSAT programme.
  • Main mission: all-weather land observation.
Mass at launch Dry mass 1750 kg
Data access link no link provided
Data access information
  • Off-line SAR image data available through the exclusive global distributor Satrec Initiative
Orbit Sunsynchronous orbit Altitude 505 km
ECT 06:00 asc


Space agency KARI
Status Planned
Details on Status
(as available)
Launch Sep 2024 EOL ≥2029
Last update: 2024-09-02
Associated satellite programme and related satellites

Note: red tag: no longer operational , green tag: operational , blue tag : future

Satellite Payload

All known Instruments flying on KOMPSAT-6

Acronym Full name
COSI Corea SAR Instrument
Show instrument status and calibration
Satellite frequencies for Earth Observation, data transfer and platform communications and control
Earth observation MW frequencies
Service Sensing mode Frequency (GHz) Bandwidth (MHz) Polarisation Comments
CORI active 10 GHz - 9.66 GHz 0 MHz - X-band SAR