BackForward Satellite: GOES-12 (S-America) 

Satellite details
Acronym GOES-12 (S-America)
Full name Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite - 12 (South America)
WIGOS Station Identifier ---
Satellite Description
  • 5th flight unit of the GOES 2nd generation programme.
  • Main mission: operational meteorology.
  • Significant contribution to space weather.
Mass at launch 2270 kg Dry mass 1042 kg
Power 1057 W
Data access link
Data access information
  • Real-time availability of the full information to the CDA.
  • Near-real time availability of pre-processed IMAGER and SOUNDER data in the GVAR format by the PDR and LRIT links to user stations.
  • Near-real time availability of SEM (MAG, EPS, and HEPAD) and diagnostic data by MDL.
  • Near-real-time availability of EMWIN-N information.
  • DCP messages through ground lines from the CDA.
  • Alert messages of GEOS&R to LUT in real time.
Orbit Geostationary orbit Altitude 35786 km
Longitude 60° W


Space agency NOAANASA
Status Inactive
Details on Status
(as available)
  • Re-location of GOES-12 for South America coverage (launch date should be understood as the start of the South America service).
  • No fuel remaining for inclination control.
  • SXI and X-Ray positioner failed in 2007.
  • Decommissioned on 16 August 2013.
Launch 10 May 2010 EOL 16 Aug 2013
Last update: 2021-03-20
Associated satellite programme and related satellites

Note: red tag: no longer operational , green tag: operational , blue tag : future

Satellite Payload

All known Instruments flying on GOES-12 (S-America)

Acronym Full name
GEOS&R Geostationary Search and Rescue
SEM/MAG SEM / Magnetometer
SEM/EPS SEM / Energetic Particles Sensor
SEM/HEPAD SEM / High Energy Proton and Alpha Particles Detector
DCIS Data Collection and Interrogation Service
Show instrument status and calibration
Satellite Field of View

Estimate of the satellite's footprint, assuming a zenith angle of 75 °
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Satellite frequencies for Earth Observation, data transfer and platform communications and control
Frequencies for satellite management
Service Direction Frequency (MHz) Emission designator Bandwidth (kHz) Polarisation D/A Data rate (kbps) or Baseband (kHz) Comments
DCPR E-S 401.7 MHz - 402.1 MHz 1K20G1DEN 1.2 kHz RHCP D 1.800  kbps DCP reports
DCPR E-S 401.7 MHz - 402.1 MHz 300HG1DEN 0.3 kHz RHCP D 0.450  kbps DCP reports
DCPR E-S 401.7 MHz - 402.1 MHz 400HG1DBN 0.4 kHz RHCP D 0.100  kbps DCP reports
DCPR S-E 1694.5 MHz 400K00G9D 150 kHz RHCP D 0.100  kbps DCP report relay
DCPR S-E 1694.8 MHz 400K00G9D 150 kHz RHCP D 0.100  kbps DCP report relay
GEOS & R E-S 406.05 MHz 4K00G7D 0.8 kHz RHCP D 0.4  kbps Distress messages
GEOS & R E-S 406.25 MHz 4K00G7D 2 kHz RHCP D 0.4  kbps Distress messages
GEOS & R S-E 1544.5 MHz 300K0G7D 0.2 kHz RHCP D 0.25  kbps Distress messages to LUT
EMWIN-N E-S 2034.8875 MHz 300K00G9D 50 kHz RHCP D 9.5  kbps Information
EMWIN-N S-E 1693.4 MHz 227K0G1D 27 kHz RHCP D 9.5  kbps Information
Command E-S 2034.2 MHz 64K0G9D 20 kHz RHCP D 0.25  kbps Commands
Command E-S 2034.2 MHz 34K0G7D 20 kHz RHCP D 0.25  kbps Commands
Command E-S 2034.2 MHz 2M0G7D 200 kHz RHCP D 0.25  kbps Commands
TM & Ranging S-E 2208.586 MHz 2M00G2D 500 kHz RHCP D 2.0  kbps Telemetry and ranging
TM & Ranging S-E 2209.086 MHz 2M00G2D 500 kHz RHCP D 2.0  kbps Telemetry and ranging
Telemetry S-E 1694 MHz 8K00G1D 20 kHz RHCP D 2.0  kbps Telemetry
Frequencies for scientific data acquisition and communication services at ground stations
Service Direction Frequency (MHz) Bandwidth (kHz) Polarisation D/A Data rate (kbps) or Baseband (kHz) Comments
SDL S-E 1676 MHz 5000 kHz linear D 2620  kbps Raw data
PDR/GVAR E-S 2027.7 MHz 4000 kHz linear D 2110  kbps Processed images/soundings
PDR/GVAR S-E 1685.7 MHz 4000 kHz linear D 2110  kbps Processed images/soundings
LRIT E-S 2033 MHz 660 kHz RHCP D 128  kbps Selected data
LRIT S-E 1691 MHz 660 kHz linear D 128  kbps Selected data
MDL S-E 1681.478 MHz 200 kHz RHCP D 32  kbps Multiuse Data Link
DCPI E-S 2034.8875 MHz 125 kHz RHCP D 0.100  kbps DCP interrogation
DCPI E-S 2034.9 MHz 125 kHz RHCP D 0.100  kbps DCP interrogation
DCPI E-S 2034.9125 MHz 125 kHz RHCP D 0.100  kbps DCP interrogation
DCPI S-E 468.8125 MHz 200 kHz RHCP D 0.100  kbps DCP interrogation
DCPI S-E 468.825 MHz 200 kHz RHCP D 0.100  kbps DCP interrogation
DCPI S-E 468.8375 MHz 200 kHz RHCP D 0.100  kbps DCP interrogation