BackForward Satellite: FY-3D 

Satellite details
Acronym FY-3D
Full name Feng-Yun 3D
WIGOS Station Identifier ---
Satellite Description
  • 4th flight unit of the FY-3 series.
  • Main mission: operational meteorology.
  • Substantial contribution to ocean and ice monitoring, climate monitoring, atmospheric chemistry and space weather.
Mass at launch 2300 kg Dry mass 2250 kg
Power 2500 W
Data access link
Data access information
  • Real-time availability of HIRAS, GAS, GNOS, MERSI-2, MWHS-2, MWRI, MWTS-2 and SES (IPM+SEM+WAI) by MTP.
  • Global data available via CMA portal
  • Real-time availability of a selection of data by AHRPT.
Orbit Sunsynchronous orbit Altitude 836 km
ECT 13:40 asc


Space agency CMANRSCC
Status Operational
Details on Status
(as available)
Launch 14 Nov 2017 EOL ≥2024
Last update: 2024-06-03
Associated satellite programme and related satellites

Note: red tag: no longer operational , green tag: operational , blue tag : future

Satellite Payload

All known Instruments flying on FY-3D

Acronym Full name
HIRAS Hyperspectral Infrared Atmospheric Sounder
GAS Greenhouse-gases Absorption Spectrometer
GNOS GNSS Radio Occultation Sounder
MERSI-2 Medium Resolution Spectral Imager -2
MWHS-2 Micro-Wave Humidity Sounder -2
MWRI-1 Micro-Wave Radiation Imager 1
MWTS-2 Micro-Wave Temperature Sounder - 2
SWS/IPM Space Weather Suite / Ionospheric PhotoMeter
SWS/WAI Space Weather Suite / Wide-field Auroral Imager
SWS/SEM/IMS Space Weather Suite / Space Environment Monitor / Ionosphere Measurement Sensor
SEM/HEPD Space Environment Monitor - High Energy Particle Detector
Show instrument status and calibration
Satellite frequencies for Earth Observation, data transfer and platform communications and control
Earth observation MW frequencies
Service Sensing mode Frequency (GHz) Bandwidth (MHz) Polarisation Comments
MWRI-1 passive 10.65 GHz 180 MHz H&V Window channel
MWRI-1 passive 18.7 GHz 200 MHz H&V Window channel
MWRI-1 passive 23.8 GHz 400 MHz H&V Water vapour channel
MWRI-1 passive 36.5 GHz 400 MHz H&V Window channel
MWRI-1 passive 89 GHz 3000 MHz H&V Window channel
MWTS-2 passive 50.3 GHz 180 MHz QH Windw channel
MWHS-2 passive 89 GHz 1500 MHz QH Window channel
MWHS-2 passive 113 GHz - 124.75 GHz 0 MHz QV Oxygen band, 8 channels
MWHS-2 passive 150 GHz 1500 MHz QH Weak water vapour channel
MWHS-2 passive 175 GHz - 191.31 GHz 0 MHz QV Water vapour band, 5 channels
MWRI-RM passive 50 GHz - 57.455 GHz 0 MHz H&V Temperature sounding channels
MWRI-RM passive 113 GHz - 124.75 GHz 0 MHz V Temperature sounding channels
MWRI-RM passive 175 GHz - 191.31 GHz 0 MHz V Water vapour sounding channels
MWRI-RM passive 164 GHz - 167.5 GHz 0 MHz V Weak water vapour sounding channels
MWTS-2 passive 53 GHz - 57.61 GHz 0 MHz QH Oxygen band for temperature sounding
Frequencies for scientific data acquisition and communication services at ground stations
Service Direction Frequency (MHz) Bandwidth (kHz) Polarisation D/A Data rate (kbps) or Baseband (kHz) Comments
AHRPT S-E 7820 MHz 100000 kHz RHCP D 60000  kbps Full-resolution data
MPT S-E 7790 MHz - 7850 MHz - LHCP D  
DPT S-E 8100 MHz - 8400 MHz - LHCP D