BackForward Satellite: Electro-M N1-2 

Satellite details
Acronym Electro-M N1-2
Full name Electro-M Number 2
WIGOS Station Identifier ---
Satellite Description
  • 2nd flight unit of the Electro-M series
  • Mission: operational meteorology.
  • Substantial contribution to space weather.
  • Significant contribution to climatology.
Mass at launch 3500 kg Dry mass 1870 kg
Power 2000 W
Data access link no link provided
Data access information
  • TBD
Orbit Geostationary orbit Altitude 35786 km


Space agency RosHydroMetRoscosmos
Status Planned
Details on Status
(as available)
  • GEO position TBC.
Launch ≥2032 EOL ≥2045
Last update: 2024-06-10
Associated satellite programme and related satellites

Note: red tag: no longer operational , green tag: operational , blue tag : future

Satellite Payload

All known Instruments flying on Electro-M N1-2

Acronym Full name
DCS Data Collection Service
GEOS&R Geostationary Search and Rescue
MSU-GSM Electro-GOMS Imager for Electro M
IRFS-GS Infrared Fourier-transform Spectrometer - Geostationary
ERBR Earth Radiation Budget Radiometer
LM Lightning Mapper
GGAK-E/SKIF-6 GGAK-E / Corpuscular radiation spectrometer
GGAK-E/GALS-E GGAK-E / Detector of galactic cosmic rays
GGAK-E/ISP-2M GGAK-L / Solar constant sensor
GGAK-E/VUSS-E GGAK-E / Solar UV radiation sensor
GGAK-E/FM-E GGAK-E / Magnetometer instrument
GGAK-E/DIR-E Solar X-ray radiation flux sensor
Show instrument status and calibration
Satellite Field of View

Estimate of the satellite's footprint, assuming a zenith angle of 75 °
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