Relevant instruments and their contribution |
The sorting column describes how the instruments, by design, have the potential to
contribute to certain pre-determined capabilities, assuming nominal operation of
space and ground segments. For this particular capability, instrument performance
is considered to be driven by:
- extension of the spectral range through the VIS, NIR, SWIR, MWIR and TIR bands
- number of channels and their distribution across the spectral range ;
- channel bandwidth and radiometric resolution.
Sorting criteria and colour code:
- [green] VIS/IR radiometer with >=2 channels in VIS and the TIR window ~ 11 μm; >=1 channel(s) in NIR, SWIR and the MWIR window ~ 3.7 μm, and >=3 channels in the TIR water vapour 6.3 μm band. This enables observing a wide range of geophysical variables, including cloud classification and properties, aerosol main properties, land temperature, and sea surface temperature in coastal waters; atmospheric motion wind by cloud and water vapour tracking, very high product quality.
- [light green] VIS/IR radiometer with >=2 channels in VIS and the TIR window ~ 11 μm; >=1 channel(s) in NIR and the MWIR window ~ 3.7 μm; and >=3 channels in the TIR water vapour 6.3 μm band. Observation of a wide range of geophysical variables, with emphasis on cloud convection, cloud properties, aerosol detection, land temperature, and sea surface temperature in coastal waters; atmospheric motion wind by cloud and water vapour tracking; good product quality.
- [yellow] VIS/IR radiometer with >=2 channels in VIS and the TIR window ~ 11 μm; and >=1 channel(s) in NIR, SWIR and the MWIR window ~ 3.7 μm. Sufficient for oerational monitoring of cloud properties, aerosol inference, land temperature, and sea surface temperature in coastal waters; atmospheric motion wind by cloud and water vapour tracking.
- [orange] VIS/IR radiometer with >=1 channel(s) in VIS, the MWIR window ~ 3.7 μm, and in the TIR water vapour 6.3 μm band; and >=2 channels in the TIR window ~ 11 μm. Basic cloud monitoring, including atmospheric motion wind and surface temperature..
- [red] VIS/IR radiometer with >=1 channel(s) in VIS, in the TIR window ~ 11 μm and (possibly) in the TIR water vapour 6.3 μm band. Basic operational cloud and cloud motion monitoring limited to daylight.