Accumulated precipitation | 5 - marginal | Light precipitation only.. Along-track only.. Time sampling to be interpolated by GEO. | W-band radar (around 94 GHz). Sensitive to very light precipitation |
Cloud base height* | 3 - high | Low-density cloud only.. Along-track only. | W-band cloud radar around 94 GHz |
Cloud drop effective radius* | 1 - primary | Low-density cloud only.. Along-track only. | W-band radar (around 94 GHz) for non-precipitating drops |
Cloud ice* | 4 - fair | Low-density cloud only.. Along-track only. | W-band radar for non-precipitating particles |
Cloud ice Total Column* | 4 - fair | Low-density cloud only.. Along-track only. | W-band radar (around 94 GHz) for non-precipitating particles |
Cloud ice effective radius* | 1 - primary | Low-density cloud only.. Along-track only. | W-band radar (around 94 GHz) for non-precipitating particles |
Cloud liquid water (CLW)* | 1 - primary | Low-density cloud only.. Along-track only. | W-band radar (around 94 GHz) for non-precipitating drops |
Cloud liquid water (CLW) total column* | 1 - primary | Low-density cloud only.. Along-track only. | W-band radar (around 90 GHz) for non-precipitating drops |
Cloud top height* | 5 - marginal | Dense cloud only.. Along-track only. | W-radar (around 94 GHz) for direct measurement of cloud top height |
Freezing level height in clouds* | 1 - primary | Low-density cloud only.. Along-track only. | W-band radar (around 94 GHz). Detected as "bright-band" |
Melting layer depth in clouds* | 1 - primary | Low-density cloud only.. Along-track only. | W-band radar (around 94 GHz). Detected as "bright-band" |
Precipitation (liquid or solid) | 5 - marginal | Light precipitation only.. Along-track only. | W-band radar (around 94 GHz) for small drops or ice particles |
Precipitation intensity at surface (liquid or solid) | 5 - marginal | Light precipitation only.. Along-track only. | W-band radar (around 94 GHz). Sensitive to boundary between precipitating and non-precipitating convective clouds |