BackForwardApplication: 2.7 Atmospheric Composition Information Services in Urban and Populated Areas

Name 2.7 Atmospheric Composition Information Services in Urban and Populated Areas
Description Applications that target limited areas (with horizontal resolution of a few km or smaller and stringent timeliness requirements to support services related to weather/climate/pollution, such as air quality forecasting.
Organization World Meteorological Organization
Richard Eckman
Earth System Application Category 2. Atmospheric Applications

Requirements defined for 2.7 Atmospheric Composition Information Services in Urban and Populated Areas  (14)

This tables shows all related requirements. For more operations/filtering, please consult the full list of Requirements
Note: In reading the values, goal is marked blue, breakthrough green, threshold orange
Application-dependent Technical Priority (ATP) Magenta and Relative priority of the attributes Red

Id Variable Layer App Area ATP Uncertainty Layer/s Quality Coverage Quality Stability / decade Hor Res Ver Res Obs Cyc Timeliness Coverage Conf Level Val Date Source General Comment Application Area Comment Horizontal Coverage Comment Observation Comment Performance Comment
870 CO2 mole fraction PBL 2.7 Atmospheric Composition Information Services in Urban and Populated Areas 0.5 ppm
1 ppm
2 ppm
0.1 ppm
0.15 ppm
0.2 ppm
0.5 km
2 km
4 km
20 m
100 m
500 m
6 min
24 h
7 d
24 h
30 d
182 d
Local firm 2022-01-05 GAW Expert Team on Atmospheric Composition Network Design and Evolution Uncertainties are provided as 2 sigma. They represent the sum of random and systematic error.
877 CO2 column average dry air mixing ratio TC 2.7 Atmospheric Composition Information Services in Urban and Populated Areas 0.6 ppm
1 ppm
1.6 ppm
0.1 ppm/decade
0.15 ppm/decade
0.2 ppm/decade
0.5 km
2 km
4 km
60 min
12 h
3 d
24 h
7 d
14 d
Global firm 2021-12-09 GAW Expert Team on Atmospheric Composition Network Design and Evolution Uncertainties are provided as 2 sigma. They represent the sum of random and systematic error. ESA URD-GHGCCI-v2016, Green report
879 CH4 mole fraction PBL 2.7 Atmospheric Composition Information Services in Urban and Populated Areas 8 ppb
18 ppb
36 ppb
1 ppb
2 ppb
5 ppb
0.5 km
2 km
4 km
20 m
100 m
500 m
60 min
24 h
7 d
24 h
30 d
182 d
Local firm 2022-01-05 GAW Expert Team on Atmospheric Composition Network Design and Evolution Uncertainties are provided as 2 sigma. They represent the sum of random and systematic error.
886 CH4 column average dry air mixing ratio TC 2.7 Atmospheric Composition Information Services in Urban and Populated Areas 7 nmol/mol
10 nmol/mol
20 nmol/mol
1 nmol/mol
2 nmol/mol
5 nmol/mol
0.1 km
2 km
4 km
60 min
12 h
3 d
24 h
7 d
14 d
Global firm 2021-12-09 GAW Expert Team on Atmospheric Composition Network Design and Evolution Uncertainties are provided as 2 sigma. They represent the sum of random and systematic error. ESA URD-GHGCCI-v2016, TCCON
892 CO 2.7 Atmospheric Composition Information Services in Urban and Populated Areas Global firm GAW Expert Team on Atmospheric Composition Network Design and Evolution
895 NO2 2.7 Atmospheric Composition Information Services in Urban and Populated Areas Global firm GAW Expert Team on Atmospheric Composition Network Design and Evolution
899 NO2 Tropospheric column 2.7 Atmospheric Composition Information Services in Urban and Populated Areas Global firm GAW Expert Team on Atmospheric Composition Network Design and Evolution
903 HCHO Tropospheric column 2.7 Atmospheric Composition Information Services in Urban and Populated Areas Global firm GAW Expert Team on Atmospheric Composition Network Design and Evolution
910 O3 mole fraction Near Surface 2.7 Atmospheric Composition Information Services in Urban and Populated Areas 2  %
4  %
10  %
1 km
2 km
5 km
60 sec
10 min
60 min
10 min
30 min
3 h
Local firm 2022-01-05 GAW Expert Team on Atmospheric Composition Network Design and Evolution Ref: Cooper, O, et al., 2014, Elem Sci Anth, 2:29, DOI:https://10.12952/journal.elementa.000031. Uncertainties are provided as 2 sigma. They represent the sum of random and systematic error.
916 NO2 mole fraction (near surface) Near Surface 2.7 Atmospheric Composition Information Services in Urban and Populated Areas Local firm GAW Expert Team on Atmospheric Composition Network Design and Evolution
921 CO mole fraction (near surface) Near Surface 2.7 Atmospheric Composition Information Services in Urban and Populated Areas Local firm 2022-01-26 GAW Expert Team on Atmospheric Composition Network Design and Evolution
924 HCHO Near Surface 2.7 Atmospheric Composition Information Services in Urban and Populated Areas Local firm 2022-01-26 GAW Expert Team on Atmospheric Composition Network Design and Evolution
930 SO2 UTLS
2.7 Atmospheric Composition Information Services in Urban and Populated Areas Local firm 2022-01-26 GAW Expert Team on Atmospheric Composition Network Design and Evolution
933 SO2 mole fraction (near surface) Near Surface 2.7 Atmospheric Composition Information Services in Urban and Populated Areas Local firm 2022-01-26 GAW Expert Team on Atmospheric Composition Network Design and Evolution