BackForward Satellite: DMSP-F18 

Satellite details
Acronym DMSP-F18
Full name Defense Meteorological Satellite Program - F18
WIGOS Station Identifier ---
Satellite Description
  • 18th flight unit of the DMSP Block 5D series, 4th of the Block 5D-3 series.
  • Main missions: cloud imagery and MW imaging/temperature/humidity sounding.
  • Substantial contribution to Space weather.
Mass at launch 1220 kg Dry mass
Power 2200 W
Data access link
Data access information
  • Military satellite.
  • MW (SSMIS) Imagery available from NOAA on the basis of bilateral agreements.
  • Offline data available from NOAA CLASS.
  • Other data only available to DoD user
Orbit Sunsynchronous orbit Altitude 850 km
ECT 04:30 desc


Space agency DoDNOAA
Status Operational
Details on Status
(as available)
Launch 18 Oct 2009 EOL ≥2025
Last update: 2024-06-03
Associated satellite programme and related satellites

Note: red tag: no longer operational , green tag: operational , blue tag : future

Satellite Payload

All known Instruments flying on DMSP-F18

Acronym Full name
OLS Operational Linescan Systerm
SSMIS Special Sensor Microwave - Imager/Sounder
SESS/SSUSI SESS / Special Sensor Ultraviolet Spectrographic Imager
SESS/SSULI SESS / Special Sensor Ultraviolet Limb Imager
SESS/SSI/ES-3 SESS / Special Sensor Ionospheric Plasma Drift/Scintillation Monitor - 3
SESS/SSM-Boom SESS / Special Sensor Magnetometer - Boom
SESS/SSJ5 SESS / Special Sensor Precipitating Electron and Ion Spectrometer
Show instrument status and calibration
Satellite frequencies for Earth Observation, data transfer and platform communications and control
Earth observation MW frequencies
Service Sensing mode Frequency (GHz) Bandwidth (MHz) Polarisation Comments
SSMIS passive 19.35 GHz 356 MHz H&V Window channel
SSMIS passive 22.235 GHz 407 MHz V Water vapour channel
SSMIS passive 37 GHz 1580 MHz H&V Window channel
SSMIS passive 50.3 GHz 380 MHz H or RC Window channel
SSMIS passive 91.655 GHz 2829 MHz H&V Window channel
SSMIS passive 150 GHz 3284 MHz H Weak water vapour channel
SSMIS passive 177 GHz - 189.9105 GHz 0 MHz H Water vapour band, 3 channels
SSMIS passive 52 GHz - 57.62 GHz 0 MHz H or RC Oxygen band for temperature sounding
SSMIS passive 59.4 GHz 239 MHz H or RC Oxygen band for temperature sounding
SSMIS passive 60 GHz - 61.15 GHz 0 MHz H or RC Oxygen band for temperature sounding
SSMIS passive 63.28 GHz 1358 MHz H or RC Oxygen band for temperature sounding