BackForward Satellite Programme: Laser RElativity Satellite 

Programme details
Programme description

Programme descriptionConstellation of 2 satellites for Solid Earth.Cooperative ASI-NASA programme with LAGEOS ASI responsible of LARES.  Shared operations.  Passive satellites, no attitude control, no electronic devices, no communication with the ground; only reflecting surfaces.The design life time of the satellites is many decades.The satellites exploit high-altitude drifting orbits with specifically coordinated inclinations.See detailed descriptions at

Data circulation
  • Satellites tracked by the network of about 65 stations of the International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS).
  • Several data analysis centres in Italy, USA and other countries.
Agencies ASINASA
Programme lifetime 2012 - 2050
Associated satellites and instruments

Note: red tag => no longer operational , green tag => operational , blue tag => planned