BackForwardInstrument:  HSI (GLIMR) 

Instrument details
Acronym HSI (GLIMR)
Full name Geosynchronous Littoral Imaging and Monitoring Radiometer Hyperspectral Imager
Purpose To provide observations of ocean biology, chemistry, and ecology for rapidly evolving phytoplankton dynamics and hazards such as Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and oil spills.
Short description
  • A hyperspectral imager covering spectral range 350-1020 nm at 5 nm sampling.
  • There is a seperate imager (LMI) to identify landmarks for geolocation.

New development

Scanning Technique

The imager has a telescope on a two-axis gimbal to actively scan the HSI and LMI through N-S and E-W motions

Resolution 300 m over America at low latitudes
Coverage / Cycle Area observed 20.8° N-S and E-W
Mass Power Data Rate


Providing Agency NASA
Instrument Maturity Backed by strong heritage
Utilization Period: 2027 to 2030
Last update: 2024-06-17
Detailed characteristics
Satellites this instrument is flying on

Note: a red tag indicates satellites no longer operational, a green tag indicates operational satellites, a blue tag indicates future satellites

Instrument classification
  • Earth observation instrument
  • Passive optical radiometer or spectrometer
  • Moderate resolution optical imager
WIGOS Subcomponents
  • Subcomponent 1
  • Narrow-band or hyperspectral imagers
  • Narrow-band imager (for ocean colour)
Mission objectives
Primary mission objectives
  • Colour Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM)
  • Ocean Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient (DAC)
  • Ocean chlorophyll concentration
  • Ocean suspended sediments concentration
  • Oil spill cover
Evaluation of Measurements

The following list indicates which measurements can typically be retrieved from this category of instrument. To see a full Gap Analysis by Variable, click on the respective variable.

Note: table can be sorted by clicking on the column headers
Note: * Primary mission objective.